It's been a while since my last post at the holidays of 2015. A little thing called the presidential election happened in the meantime.
I was right about the election. I picked Donald Trump in October of 2015. I supported him in the primary season, and took a ton of heat for it from my NeverTrump friends. I was right about his chances in the general election, when I took a ton of heat from my liberal friends. But, I was right. So, there's that.
Which means that I wake up every day since the election with Donald J Trump as our president - and not Crooked Hillary - working to erase the terrible legacy of that last guy - what's his name.
I've still been having long pointless threads on Facebook. There is agreement from my Trump-voter friends, grudging okay-maybe's from my NeverTrump friends, and the same tired old rehashes with my liberal friends who didn't learn a damn thing from the election and are lost in their Resist! fantasies of the Russia-ate-my-homework collusion conspiracy and the coup to take down a duly elected president.
I'm still on Twitter where I'm at just short of 40k tweets, but I seem to be "shadow-banned" by the leftists that run that place. I opine into the void there now.
Instagram is where my self-actualization takes place, as I find my joy daily in capturing an image that's interesting but no one else saw or got. Fun!
Having said all of that, I'd like to rekindle this blog and express my thoughts here instead of the other venues. I hope someone reads it, but that's not required for me to get something out of posting here.
So, we're caught up - and the Master's Class on Life is back in session...
Glad you are back.
ReplyDeleteThank you. This is a good format for opining at length.