Friday, November 19, 2021

Verdict Vindication

 It was always a lie from liars that Kyle Rittenhouse was a racist "white-supremacist" vigilante - as the "smart set" called him in a year long false narrative.

So many lies. He "crossed state lines with a weapon". It was illegal to have the weapon. He was looking for trouble. He was a militia member of the Proud Boys or similar. Joe NBC even said that KR "fired 60 rounds" into the crowd. All lies.

Kyle Rittenhouse worked in Kenosha. He was working there that day as anarchists were destroying his town. He went to the riot area to provide aid and deter rioters from destroying a car lot. He attempted to put out fires. He was armed for his own self defense. For his efforts, he was attacked by 4 criminals who were there committing new crimes to burn the city down, and he defended himself from all 4 attacks without firing any more rounds (8 total) than he had to. As the defense attorney argued: all of the people that Kyle shot were attacking Kyle. 

Self defense necessarily requires an aggressor and a defender. Democrats and Democrat Media inverted the two in this encounter for partisan purposes to advance a bad false narrative that America is systemically racist, and that "white supremacist" "domestic terrorists" are the real threat. 

Democrat politicians and Democrat Media lied for a year to defame KR. Joe Biden defamed him after a debate as a white supremacist with zero evidence, for votes - and his voters rewarded that lie with votes. Irresponsible media sold false narratives about Kyle for a year for ratings with their echo chamber audience. They were divisive lies, and they divided our nation.

Then comes a trial, livestreamed to America daily, and the red-pilling of Americans as they could see from the evidence how much lying there had been. Viewers could see for themselves who was the Defender that night, and who the 4 Aggressors were. The prosecutors were exposed for bringing a rush-to-judgement malicious prosecution. And the brave jury, in the face of a growing mob outside, rendered justice with a just verdict.

This trial was important for America to see. It bolstered the Second Amendment, and the natural law right of self defense encoded in our states' laws. And it exposed the liars and their bad agendas.

I am stunned at the jury's courage in delivering the just verdict, ecstatic that self-defense prevailed in the face of criminal anarchist attackers, and relieved for this brave young man. 

I am also appalled at the hot takes from Establishment blowhards who can't admit how wrong they have been for a year, including those who should have defended KR. Leftists are doubling down on their lies. Establishment hacks like Alan Dershowitz and David French are going with the sanctimonius virtue-signal that Kyle was innocent but a vigilante who shouldn't have been there. Screw them. 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse had more virtue than them, as they opined as cities burned across America and he showed up. The "Republican" Establishment left the base in the lurch during the lies to be banned from social media for expressing support or fired from their jobs for contributing to KR's defense. 

Now is time for the comeuppance for the lying class.

Shame for the Democrat politicians who sold the false vile white supremacist narrative for votes. 
Shame for the Democrat Media hacks who sold the false vile white supremacist narrative for ratings.
Shame for the Social Media titans who suppressed and banned the truth from their platforms.
Shame for the "conservative" establishment types of Con Inc who left their base to carry the truth.

Fire them all. 

Tucker Carlson has the spot on recap tonight. I'll give him the last word, and go party. 

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