1. Tim Tebow is on God's side, not the other way around. Stop badgering him with idiocy.
2. A corporation is not a person, the left keeps parroting in hyperventilating about the SCOTUS decision in Citizen's United. We get that. That's not the point. What is the point is this: if a corporation is taxed, like a person is taxed, they should have the right to affect the taxer, like a person has a right to affect the taxer. Taxation with representation is a basic American understanding. If you want to tax the instituition, you should understand that they want to contribute to the campaign of representatives, like people do.
3. Warren Buffett does not pay less taxes than his secretary.
President Obama is engaging in pure demagoguery with his Buffet Rule on tax reform. From the State of the Union address:
President Obama on the Buffett Rule: “Now, you can call this class warfare all you want. But asking a billionaire to pay at least as much as his secretary in taxes? Most Americans would call that common sense.”
Common sense to most people says that Warren Buffett, one of the five richest men in America, does not pay less taxes than his admittedly well paid secretary. Buffett pays millions. Secretary pays thousands.
That's in straight dollars.
What Obama means, but doesn't say because he's trying to fool you, is the Buffett pays a lower tax RATE than his secretary. That's because his secretary pays at a rate for INCOME TAX of 25% or so, and Buffett pays at a rate for CAPITAL GAINS TAX of 15% or so because he does not draw a salary and his income is from interest income on his investments.
That's a distinction that many Americans do not make, and that Obama does not want you to make.
Is this because Warren Buffett is a bad man? No. Is this because Warren Buffett is rich and rich people are bad people? No.
Capital gains tax rates are lower than income tax rates because Congress set the rates this way.
Is this because Congress is corrupt and was bought off by rich people to get lower rates? I wouldn't discount that idea. But stop dragging Buffett's secretary into that argument.
The reason capital gains tax RATES are lower than income tax RATES is because we are trying to influence behavior with the tax codes. In this case, we are trying to encourage investment - which creates jobs. It goes with the saying that "what you subsidize, you get more of". In this case, we are subsidizing investments with a lower tax rate because investments are a good thing. Raise the rates to the same rates as income tax and you might disincentivize investment, and get less investment, and get less job opportunity. Is that what you want to accomplish with your class warfare demagoguery, Mr. President? Less investment and less job opportunity?
People, think through this nonsense. Don't reward the demogogues. Leave Tim Tebow alone. Quit hyperventilating about Citizens United. And stop falling for Obama's Buffett Rule nonsens. Wake up.